Find Walmart Vision Center location, hours, and contact info

To search by your current location:

  1. Visit the Walmart Store Finder website.
  2. Locate a store from the list and click Store detail.
  3. Click See more services to view Vision Center hours and phone number.
    (To view all hours of operation, click the drop-down arrow next to phone number.) 

To search by zip code:

  1. Visit the Walmart Store Finder website.
  2. Enter a zip code.
  3. Click Find store
  4. Click the Vision Center tab to filter the search.
  5. Locate a store from the list and click Store detail.
  6. Click See more services to view Vision Center hours and phone number.
    (To view all hours of operation, click the down arrow next to the phone number.) 

To learn more, visit the Walmart Vision Center.

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